Waves in Random Media
J.-P. Fouque and O. Poliannikov: Time reversal detection in one-dimensional random media. Inverse Problems 22 903-922 (2006).
J.-P. Fouque, J. Garnier, and K. Solna: Time reversal super resolution in randomly layered media. Wave Motion 43, 646-666 (2006).
O. Poliannikov and J.-P. Fouque: Detection of a Reflective Layer in a Random Medium Using Time Reversal. Proceedings of ICASSP 2005.
J.-P. Fouque, J. Garnier, A. Nachbin and K. Solna: Time reversal refocusing for point source in randomly layered media. Wave Motion 42(3), 191-288 (2005).
J.-P. Fouque, J. Garnier, A. Nachbin and K. Solna: Imaging of a dissipative layer in a random medium using a time reversal method. Proceedings of the conference MC2QMC, Juan-les-Pins, France, June 7-10, 2004.
J.-P. Fouque, J. Garnier, J.C. Munoz Grajales and A. Nachbin: Time reversing solitary waves. Physical Review Letters, Vol. 92, 094502 (2004).
D. Alfaro Vigo, J.-P. Fouque, J. Garnier and A. Nachbin: Robustness of time reversal for waves in time-dependent random media. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Vol. 113 (2004) 289-313.
J.-P. Fouque, J. Garnier and A. Nachbin: Shock structure due to stochastic forcing and the time reversal of nonlinear waves. Physica D, Vol. 195 (2004), 324-346.
J.-P. Fouque, J. Garnier and A. Nachbin: Time reversal for dispersive waves in random media SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 64(5) (2004), 1810-1838.
M. Haider, K. Mehta and J.-P. Fouque: Time-reversal simulations for detection in randomly layered media Waves in Random Media Vol. 14, No.2 (2004) 185-198.
J.-P. Fouque and K. Solna: Time-reversal aperture enhancement. SIAM Journal on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation Vol. 1. No. 2 (2003) 239-259.
J.-P. Fouque and A. Nachbin: Time-reversed refocusing of surface water waves. SIAM Journal on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation Vol.1, No 4 (2003) 609-629.
J.-P. Fouque: Acoustic pulses propagating in randomly layered media NATO Science Series C, Vol. 531 "Diffuse Waves in Complex Media", Kluwer, J.-P. Fouque (Ed.) (1999) 319-345.
J.-P. Fouque, G. Papanicolaou and Y. Samuelides: Forward and Markov approximation: the strong intensity fluctuations regime revisited . Waves in Random Media Vol. 8, No 3 (1998) 303-314.
J. Chillan and J.-P. Fouque: Pressure fields generated by acoustical pulses propagating in randomly layered media . SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Vol. 58, No 5 (1998) 1532-1546.
J.-P. Fouque: Wave Propagation in Randomly Layered Media Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation. John A. DeSanto, Ed., SIAM (1998). 130-133.
J.-F. Clouet and J.-P. Fouque: A time-reversal method for an acoustical pulse propagating in randomly layered media . Wave Motion 25 (1997) 361-368.
J.-P Fouque and J. Garnier: On waves in random media in the diffusion-approximation regime . IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its applications 96, Springer, Ed. G. Papanicolaou (1997) 31-48.
J. Garnier, J.-P. Fouque, L. Videau, C. Gouedard and A. Migus: Amplification of broadband incoherent light in homogeneously broadened media in presence of Kerr nonlinearity. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B Vol.14, No.10 (1997) 2563-2569.
J. Garnier and J.-P. Fouque: Amplification of incoherent light with wide spectrum Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation Phenomena. G. Cohen, Ed., SIAM-INRIA (1995). 584-593.
F. Bailly, J.-F. Clouet and J.-P. Fouque: Parabolic and white noise approximation for waves in random media . SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 56, No5 (1996) 1445-1470.
J.-P. Fouque: Waves in random media and two-parameter diffusions . Israel Mathematical Conference Proceedings, Volume 10 (1996) 105-111.
J.-F. Clouet, J.-P. Fouque and M. Postel: Spectral analysis of randomly scattered signals using the wavelet transform . Wave Motion 22 (1995) 145-170.
R. Carmona and J.-P.Fouque: Diffusion-approximation for the advection-diffusion of a passive scalar by a space-time gaussian velocity field . Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications. (Edited by E. Bolthausen, M. Dozzi and F. Russo). Birkhauser, Basel (1994) 37-50.
J.-F. Clouet and J.-P. Fouque: Spreading of a pulse travelling in random media . Annals of Applied Probability 4 (1994) 1083-1097.
R. Carmona and J.-P. Fouque: A diffusion-approximation result for two-parameter processes Prob. Th. and Rel. Fields 98 (1994) 277-298.